
Showing posts from April, 2019

Despre Paste

Inca un Paste pe care nu-l vom sarbatori acasa. Inca un an fara pasca si cozonac. Imi amintesc ca ultimul Paste pe care l-am sarbatorit in Moldova a fost in 2016. Anul acela trebuia sa lucrez la teza de licenta, dar am evadat pentru o saptamina la bunica in sat. Nu pot sa imi explic de ce, dar acea vacanta a fost minunata. Pentru ca eram impreuna cu sora mea, pentru ca era cald, pentru ca era Pastele si pentru ca il sarbatoream la bunica. Cind a fost momentul sa ne intoarcem acasa am plins. Erau emotii pe care nu le puteam controla. Erau lacrimi de dor. Stiam ca peste citeva luni voi pleca de acasa, iar totul avea sa fie altfel. Aveam dreptate. Peste un an bunica nu mai era, iar familia mea s-a mutat din Moldova. Din aceasta cauza imi amintesc mereu cu drag de ultima vacanta la bunica. E frumoasa viata peste hotare, dar cind vin sarbatorile e foarte trist.  Poate suntem noi moldovenii mai inapoiati, mai demodati mai simpli, poate nu stim multe lucruri, dar cind e timpul sarbato...

The magic power of the sea

Hello there, I have not been here for a while. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't have enough time. #manoleteam is currently passing through a very challenging period and we need time for adapting to the changes. Maybe I will tell you more about this later. Today i want to write about one of our favorite places - the beach. Although we don't live too far from it we don't get to go there as often as we want. But when we get there we forget about anything. It is even more fun now when we are 3. Our little explorer is inlove with the sand and water. I think he could stay there forever because it is almost impossible to take him home. I have always loved the sea. Although i cannot swim, and I am pretty much terrified by any type of waves, i cannot wait for the warm days to come. I love the sound and the smell of the salted water. I love the kids playing in the sand. I love the dogs which enjoy the fresh breeze. I admire the couples who walk on the beach ...