Mother's day
According to GOOGLE 43 .5 million is the number of women between the ages of 15 and 50 who have children. These mothers gave birth to 95.8 million children. Can you believe it? I am now one of them too. Each woman and mother has her own story. It does not matter how she has become a MOTHER . It could be natural birth, c section or adoption. The most important fact is that we all have something in common - we are responsible for someone's life, and as I see it, there is not more difficult and requiring job. At the same time, I don't know a more rewarding and pleasant job. Before having Oliver i had no idea of what my body and my heart are capable of. I saw myself in a different light, and I still need to get to know me better. I am glad that there are these holidays which celebrate Mothers and Motherhood in general. Of course, we should cherish them everyday, but some special attention is never too much. In Moldova we celebrate Mother's and Wo...