
Showing posts from March, 2020

Quarantine life

Hello friends, This is an update on our life. We are fine! We respect the rules, and WE STAY HOME! After all,  isolation is not such an awful thing because:  A)  we get to spend more time together; B)  we talk  more ; C) we do things we have never done before ( playing ball, jumping rope, exercise, study); D) we don't spend money on useless things; E) we talk to our family and friends more often.  The list could go on.  Oliver is the one who suffers the most. The poor little boy doesn't understand why we cannot go to the park.   Every time we go out we stay in our backyard. Why can't we take the car and go anywhere? We as adults understand all these. But how can we explain to him all the restrictions? So we wait. We wait for better days and for the good news!!! Of course, the weather is helping! It is snowing this morning.  Can you imagine? Snow at the end of March? Just when I was planning to put away the warm clothes. I thin...

Hello isolation!

Hello everyone, I was actually planning to work on a different post, but given the current situation my mind refuses to collaborate. So here we are: Day 6 of isolation! As many of you know, we live in Italy, and specifically in the Northern part. And the last couple of weeks have been crazy enough. I admit, in the beginning everything seemed simple. We don't live in a big city, we are not very close to Milano or the other cities where the first cases have been registered. But, day by day, the situation has changed. If 2 weeks ago there were only 2 Red Regions ( protected zones) now the entire country is considered to be an Emergency Zone! These news are alarming. But we have to keep calm! There are some important rules which should be respected. And I am glad to see  that the great majority of people respect them. You cannot go out of the house without a reason! Everything is shot down (bars, restaurants, parks). There are only grocery stores and pharmacies open. Therefore, eve...

Despre dragostea de sine

Sint momente in viata cind ne sintim omizi. Credem ca nu suntem "destul". Destul de frumosi, destul de inalti, destul de slabi, destul de destepti poate. Aceste ginduri incoltesc in mintile noastre din adolescenta. Iar cu trecerea timpului ele  dispar sau cresc si se inmultesc. Dar asta nu este o problema. Fiecare om, la fel ca si omida, devine un fluture pe parcursul vietii. Iar viteza cu care se intimpla aceasta metamorfoza depinde doar de noi. Nu trebuie sa asteptam ca cineva sa ne spuna ca suntem frumosi. Frumusetea este vazuta de toti diferit. Cred ca ar trebui sa ne percepem singuri adevarata valoare. Desi nu este usor. Este nevoie de timp. Pe cind eram adolescenta am fost afectata de "neajunsurile" mele. Credeam ca am un sir foarte lung de imperfectiuni. Ma vedeam scunda si cu kg in plus. Ma criticam practic mereu, mai in gluma mai in serios. Desi, eram unica care se plingea. Nimeni nu mi-a zis niciodata nimic care ar fi putut stirni aceste ginduri. Eram ...