Letter to my teenage self

My dear,

I wish you could have seen this letter when you were about 16, when everything seemed so easy and difficult at the same time, when you felt strong enough and able to do anything, when you believed in any dream you had. Too bad there were things that made you sad, that disappointed you so badly, and nobody could protect you from that...

Dear 16 years old me, please do read this and remember that it is never too late for a change:

1. Enjoy your school days, there will come a day when you will miss your Geography, History, and Biology class. ( Not math though, you will never miss that :) ) ;

2. Find time to read more;

3. Discover your country;

4. Spend more time with your family;

5.   Learn how to cook, one day it will help you a lot;
6.   Learn a foreign language, or at least try to do it;

7. You are not FAT now! Trust me, it will get worse :D, stop complaining about this!!!

 8.  Exercise more, even if it seems boring. Do take that dance class you've always wanted to;
 9.  Take more care about yourself;

10. Don't waste too much time on boys, you won't end up with any of them;

11. Don't invest too much time and feelings in all the people who surround you. Not all of them will be a part of your life in 10 years from now;

12. Don't waste the money on stuff you don't need;

13.  Don't try to be always NICE, and please, learn to say NO at least from time to time. You will meet people who will take advantage of your kindness;

14. Don't get mad if it rains, enjoy every season of the year!

15. Don't let anyone tell you that there is something you cannot do, continue to dream, and make sure your dreams come true!!!

Sincerely yours,
23 years old self

PS: I know it is impossible to go back in time, but i really hope that other teenage girls who read this understand that they must enjoy every minute of their age, and they should not complain about difficulties!!! The most difficult is yet to come!!! Despite everything,  life is wonderful!!!


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