
Showing posts from November, 2018

Breastfeeding: yes or no?

Hello there, future mothers, This post is for you! I thought it would he nice to share with you my breastfeeding experience.  When I found out that I was expecting, i did not have the courage to think more about the way I was going to actually feed the baby. I know it seems silly! I was focused more on the whole process of carrying him! And then, I knew that I would choose to  breastfeed anyway. I really hoped I would be able to do it and that's the main reason i did not spend too much time on researching what formulas were better and why. Due to the fact that I did not have many "mom" friends, I had no idea what breastfeeding meant. I had some basic ideas, and then I heard others experiences and got somehow terrified. You see, the stories that i have heard were not really encouraging. So let me tell you how it went. Baby Oliver was really lazy in the beginning. He would eat for only 2 minutes and then fall asleep. So, the breast pump became my best friend for a cou...

Autumn reflections

Dear friends, It is November, and it is raining cats and dogs here in Italy. While we are warm and cosy at home, there are lots of people who are not that privileged. Unfortunately! But my post will not be about this. I have planned to write about autumn in general. I must confess that when i was younger i hated autumn. It seemed too gloomy, and God knows the autumns in Moldova - too moody. I know that some of you will understand. But again, my post is not about this. The thing that i wanted to point out is the way my attitude towards things has changed in time. Now i see autumn like something beautiful. I have time to stop and look around. I notice the trees which turn slowly from green to yellow or red. I enjoy the fact that we have to change clothes and shoes (a thing that i hated before). I even love the rain, which often ruins our plans. But as long as we don't have anything important to do we can stay home and watch the rain washing the pavement. I love the silence, whi...

#readwithme challenge

Dragi prieteni, Demult nu mai citisem o carte buna. Iar cind spun "buna" ma refer la cartile din cauza carora ramine casa nearanjata iar eu cu stomacul gol, pentru ca prefer sa citesc decat sa fac altceva. Este adevarat ca de cind a aparut Oliver, mai rar imi permit luxul de a citi, iar cind o fac, cu siguranta citesc ceva interesant. Iata asa, in putinul timp liber pe care il mai am, am descoperit "Zeita orezului" sau "The rice mother" precum se numeste originalul in limba engleza scrisa de Rani Manicka. Uimitoare sau captivanta ar fi denumiri prea simple pentru aceasta carte. M-a atras din prima, pentru ca trateaza un subiect care ma intriga mult in ultima vreme, si anume viata femeilor in Asia. Acesta este unul dintre numeroasele teme care stau la baza romanului. De fapt, actiunea se desfasoara in Malaysia si este povestita de mai multe personaje, care fac toate parte dintr-o familie simpla. Acestea isi descriu durerile si bucuriile cu atata har, ...