
Showing posts from January, 2019

11 months of YOU

My dear bundle of joy, It seems that just yesterday you were so tiny I could cover you with my hands, and now you are such a big baby boy. Gone are the days when you were laying on the bed the entire day or fall asleep on my chest. And gone are the days when you could sleep every hour. Now you are all curious, you want to discover the world and people who surround you. You've been with us for 11 months, and sometimes I still cannot believe that you are ours and that we can keep you forever. You have changed our lives and we are so proud of you. 11 months does not seem a lot of time, but it is enough time to understand that our love for you does not have limits. 11 months are enough to see you becoming a person with own tastes and preferences. Some people say babies don't understand anything, but they are so Wrong. You are smart and interesting and you have already started to make your own choices. They not always correspond to ours, but most of the time we have to accept ...

Despre carti

Salutare, dragi prieteni, Astazi scriu despre carti. Recent  a aparut pe Facebook o noua provocare si am observat ca multi din prietenii mei au acceptat-o cu curaj. Iar timp de citeva saptamini wall-ul meu era plin de copertele unor carti frumoase, pe unele le-am citit, pe altele as vrea sa le citesc, iar de citeva nici nu auzisem pina acum. Am acceptat provocarea si eu. Dar, tot amanand de azi pe maine am cam ramas in urma, iar azi am hotarit sa recuperez deviind in pic de la provocarea initiala. Totusi esenta ramine aceeasi, voi posta 7 coperte ale unor carti care m-au marcat si care sunt demne de a fi recomandate si altora. 1. Guguta si prietenii sai Am aflat despre Guguta cind aveam vreo 6 ani. Si eram atit de curioasa sa citesc cartea despre el incit am plins vreo doua zile dupa mama ca sa imi cumpere carte cu Guguta. Era mare jale in casa, caci mama nu putea sa o cumpere. Dar l-a rugat pe fratele meu sa o imprumute de la biblioteca de la scoala. Asa le-am citit pe t...

Adulthood... Already?!

Dear friends, Let's talk about adulthood. When does it begin and what does it mean? Appearently, if you google the word "adulthood" you will find out that until 25 you are still a young person. Yay! So I have a couple months left until everything gets official. I somehow believed that reaching adulthood means moving out from your parents house, getting married or having a baby. This changes mights help you  become an adult in a very short time. But it is not always like that! It is weird, but i still cannot believe that from being a child I have turned into having a child. Time passes by just too fast, and i need to understand and accept this. So when I was a kid, adulthood seemed so far away. It was so mysterious and full of freedoms.  I was and remain to be a dreamer. And i saw my twenties in a different way. Not saying it is bad now, but it is a little different. I believed adulthood meant endless trips around the world, a lot of friends, an interesting job and...