
Showing posts from January, 2021

English phrases containing the word "book"

 My dear friends,  I have bad news! My English Is getting worse day by day. I don't have time to work on this as I try to improve my Italian. Therefore, every book I read and movie I watch is in Italian. You have no idea how much I miss English. This language has became a part of me. Luckily I have Your Daily dose of awww! It is one of the few opportunities to  write and think in English. I've started doing a  research to learn new words and phrases. This is my resolution for this year. Do you know how many interesting idioms and phrases are there? That's why I just looove this language! So I thought,  why not sharing my discoveries with you? If you, like me, want to improve your vocabulary, than keep am eye on my blog. I will post something  new every now and then 🧐. I will start with the most used idioms containing the word "book", or at least related to it. Here they are:  1. To hit the books = to study hard Example: Don't forget to hit the books b...

My review for "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell

 My dear friends,  It is no secret that I am a very big fan of the novel "Gone with the Wind" written by Margaret Mitchell. I have recently ready it again and I was excited to share my thoughts with you. I don't even remeber where did my interest for this book came from. I just know that its title seemed so romantic and misterious to me that I had to absolutely read it. It was one of the few times when I started reading something without doing any previous research. And I was impressed!  I fell inlove with this novel. It has everything a young girl could wish for: a love story, many interesting facts, some drama ...  and a lot of suspese. Margaret Mitchell is a great writer, no wonder the book has became so famous and so loved all over the world.  The interesting thing about GWTW is that its main character (Scarlett) is not a positive one as we are used to see in most of the books. She has a combination of good and bad qualities. In my opinion, there are more ba...


Oamenii se împart în doua categorii: 1) Cei care iubesc iarna si tot ce este legat de ea si 2) Cei care mereu asteapta sa vina vara.  Recunosc, cind eram mica nu ma prea lasam cucerita de acest anotimp. Aveam motive serioase. Pe atunci, iernile in Moldova erau foarte geroase, iar temperature minime ajungeau pina la -20 °C in timpul zilei. Picioarele mele aveau de suferit enorm, indiferent de cit de calduroase imi erau incaltarile. Cu toate acestea, imi amintesc cu nostalgie de frumusetea acelor timpuri. Ningea des, iar zapada de un alb imaculat nu se topea saptamini intregi. Fulgii erau mari si aveau forme perfecte. De mult timp nu am mai vazut asa fulgi unici. Era minunat, mai ales cind soarele isi reflecta razele pe acei "munti" albi, iar la fiecare pas facut se auzea cum scîrtîie zapada.  Da! Am avut o copilarie frumoasa! Eram foarte norocosi, chiar daca nu realizam asta. Imi amintesc cu drag si despre sarbatorile de iarna, pe care nu le petreceam la munte sau la mare, dar...

2020 in pictures

 Hello New Year!  We have BIG hopes for you! Please be nice to US. We are currently passing a difficult period and some good news would make US feel way better 🙏. I thought It would be a great idea to say good bye to 2020 in a proper way. It was a beautiful year, although we did not get to live it the way we wanted to. I did a similar post last year, and I think I will make a tradition of It 🙂. So here is my 2020 in pictures: May February. Tenerife February. Teide National Park February. Tenerife February. Oliver's 2nd birthday February February. Tenerife May June July. Oli's haircut🙂 July July June April. Lockdown  April. 1st lockdown in Italiy August. Visiting Meissen August. Oliver's new favorite character "Spiderman" August. Trip to Germany August. The men of my life August. Germany August August. Dresden September September November Christmas December December. First snow November November November. Elections in Moldova October October. Eating truffle Octo...