My 2017 Reading Resolution
Hello everyone, 2017 is almost over and we keep counting the blessings which it has given us. I hope that this year was very special to you as well! This post, I would like to speak about books, and more specific the books I've read this year. Unfortunately the list is not very long, but I still consider it a progress :). Well, my Reading Resolution for 2017 did not consist of a list of books that i wanted to read during the year, but of a number of books. Therefore I was free to decide what to read according to my mood. I have to admit that it is a great idea, I don't like to feel that I MUST read something I don"t like. So i am not going to bother you with all the books i have read, I have decided to make a list of the books I enjoyed and from which I could learn something useful. 1."Vara in care mama a avut ochi verzi"- Tatiana Tibuleac It is a book written by a Moldovan writer. I have to be honest, it is not a book f...