
Showing posts from 2017

My 2017 Reading Resolution

Hello everyone, 2017 is almost over and we keep counting the blessings which it has given us. I hope that this year was very special to you as well! This post, I would like to speak about books, and more specific the books I've read this year. Unfortunately the list is not very  long, but I still consider it a  progress :). Well,  my Reading Resolution for 2017 did not consist of a list of books that i wanted to read during the year, but of a number of books. Therefore I was free to decide what to read according to my mood. I have to admit that it is  a great idea, I don't like to feel that I MUST read something I don"t like. So i am not going to  bother you with all the books i have read, I have decided to make a list of the books I enjoyed and from which I could learn something useful.   1."Vara in care mama a avut ochi verzi"- Tatiana Tibuleac It is a book written by a Moldovan writer. I have to be honest, it is not a book f...

Letter to my teenage self

My dear, I wish you could have seen this letter when you were about 16, when everything seemed so easy and difficult at the same time, when you felt strong enough and able to do anything, when you believed in any dream you had. Too bad there were things that made you sad, that disappointed you so badly, and nobody could protect you from that... Dear 16 years old me, please do read this and remember that it is never too late for a change: 1. Enjoy your school days, there will come a day when you will miss your Geography, History, and Biology class. ( Not math though, you will never miss that :) ) ; 2. Find time to read more; 3. Discover your country; 4. Spend more time with your family; 5.   Learn how to cook, one day it will help you a lot;   6.   Learn a foreign language, or at least try to do it; 7. You are not FAT now! Trust me, it will get worse :D, stop complaining about this!!!  8.  Exercise more, even if it seems boring. Do take that d...


Salut!!! Sunt atât de bucuroasă că a venit vara! Nu pentru că aș avea ceva planuri deosebite de vacanță, ci pentru că sunt absolut îndrăgostită de zile lungi și pline de soare! Abia aștept să văd ce imi pregătește soarta pentru această perioadă frumoasă... Dar nu sunt aici ca să vorbesc despre vară, ci mai degrabă despre luna Mai. Câteva săptămâni în urmă am avut minunată ocazie să ne întoarcem acasă, în Moldova, pentru o vacanță improvizată. Cel mai interesant a fost că nu am mers singuri, ci am luat cu noi doi prieteni pentru ca să le arătam și lor patria noastră. Este un sentiment deosebit să poți împărtăși cu cineva din altă țară viața ta de ACASĂ!!! Să le arăți unde ai crescut, unde ai învățat și unde te-ai format ca OM. Zborul l-am avut seara. Demult nu mai zburasem pe "întuneric" dar oricum a fost frumos și deosebit. Am ajuns în Moldova noaptea târziu; obosiți, amețiți, dar mai ales, foarte flămânzi :). De aici începe toată aventura noastră. Au urmat 6 zile de vi...

How to befriend the wilderness?

Hello everyone, the weather is not very nice today, and i keep thinking of the wonderful sun we had a couple weeks ago when we went for a short trip into.... the wilderness.  When i hear the word Safari, i think of the incredibly hot Africa, and hundreds of animals that i have read about in the library encyclopedias when i was a little girl. Well, we found out that there is a Safari park near our town, and since Monday is our day off we decided to visit that mysterious place. I did not know what to expect, and i could not wait to meet all of the animals. So, a short description of the park : it is a park located in  Langhe ( the vineyard hills i have described in a previous post). The park hosts a large variety of animals from different continents. And you just have to move around in the car in order to admire them. There are special posts where you can leave the car ( not near the lions though). I still cannot believe that i got to se...

Italian for beginners

Ciao a tutti, I must admit, that i am really inlove with Italian language, and i have been willing to learn it for so long. It just seemed i was never motivated enough. Only when i really had the need to speak it, i thought it was the time for me to get to know it better (I really had no choice!!!) It is not easy to learn any language by yourself. Having a teacher is always better and more motivating, at least because you would have  to always do your homework  :) . But since i am more of an independent student, i have decided to learn it alone, online and from several books i could buy in Moldova. However, I don't want to recommend any specific book, because i must admit i did not really use many of them! We are  lucky to live in an era when everything is available online for free and you just need patience to find what you need. Therefore, my studies were mostly based on the websites i was able to find. It actually surprised me to discover that there is a site de...

A letter to my fellows

Dear students, When are we going to learn it? When will we start studying at the beginning of the semester, not before the exam? When will we stop procrastinting and do our work instead? When will we ever get enough sleep? When will waking up in the morning be less painful? When will we actually listen to the professor in class and not think about food? When will we stop relying on cheating? The answer is simple - NEVER!!! I believe each student has been through this, at least once in their student life. However, this period is the best!!! Nevermind the sleepless nights, impossible projects, and deadlines. Think about the friendships and the experience that you have gained in these years. It is though but fun at the same time. And you will be sorry when it will end. Good luck on your exams, as it is that special time of the year now :) PS: I am procrastinating at the moment, but who cares?! XOXO, A.