Tips on how to improve your English

Hello English lovers!

I dedicate this post to you! I am glad that we have something in common. English language has become my 2nd favourite language in time (after my native Romanian of course). Unfortunately there is a sad thing about foreign languages: if you don't practice you can easily forget them. Not everything, but most of the words and phrases. Since I don't have the possibility to speak English as often as I would want to, I have decided to work on my own. Therefore I found some interesting sources, where anyone could improve his English. Today I am sharing my list with you. I hope you like it.

1.Pot vorbi engleza/ I can speak English

This FB page has been created by my FLEX friend Nicoleta Dvornicov. Although it is a course oriented mostly on beginners, I like to watch the video Nicoleta posts regularly. They are very accurate and informative ( with perfect English pronounciation). If you think this is too easy for you, than at least send this link to your friend who is a beginner. I am sure he/she will be thankful!

2. Cambridge English, Italy

Here you can find many idioms and phrases featuring their explanation. Trust me, you will find something useful for sure. It is great because you can always find 5-10 minutes to check up their page and it is enough for learning a couple of new words. Besides that, they have pretty pictures as well.

3. 6 minutes English on BBC

This one is my favourite! They have a lot of texts on authentic topics. There you will also find the script of the audio version. They also offer a useful vocabulary every time. Not only you will improve your English but you will also be aware of different international events or problems. What can I add here, I really love it! I always recomend it to my students, and they seem to like it too!

4.World English Institute

This site is more serious. Basically it is an online English course. You get a personal teacher who sends you homework and also grades it. This course requires more concentration and dedication. But the results are paying of the effort. In order to succeed, you need to work a lot and it takes time. The texts and grammar lessons are quite long. Every lesson (both reading and grammar) will take about 1 hour of work. It is absolutely FREE and you don' have deadlines for your homework. This thing suits me very well, because I cannot deal with deadlines at the moment. I am currently taking this course, and at the end of it I will let you know my results. You have to try it too!!!

Well, my dear friends that's all i could come up with so far! In case I discover something new I will update this post. Maybe you have some interesting ideas too. I would love to check them up. Just let me know! And of course, tell me if you tried any of this recommendation.

Have a great week,


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