Books about strong women

Hello everyone,

Today I am writing about books. Lately I have been reading more books written by or about women. And i found some of them very inspirational. We, women, are surely strong. However there are times when we feel that we are not good enough. I recommend you these books, I am sure they will make you feel better. 

1. Becoming by Michele Obama

Most of us know Michele Obama as the wife of Barak Obama - the 44th president of the United States of America. But not everyone knows who she really is. Michele Obama is a strong woman who has grown up in a regular family. As a little girl, she had big dreams and high goals. And now we can all agree that a great part of them have come true. She is a loving mother, a supportive wife, and an active fighter for the equality and women right. Shortly she is a great personality. Personaly, I have loved her book. It is well-written and it has many interesting facts. I admire her even more now! 

2. In order to live by Yeonmi Park
What a story! Ten years ago I didn't know much about North Korea. To me it was just a country on the map, like many others. Considering the things that have been happening lately, I started to learn more about it, and about korean people in general. After reading this book, i am just GLAD i was born in Moldova!

3. Diary by Ann Frank

You would probably think that this book shouldn't be on the list, as Ann was not a woman yet. However I believe that her story is very powerful. Her journal says a lot about her feelings and fears. Ann also writes about her relationship with her family and friends, about her first love and many other thoughts. Of course, the  main idea of the book is the impact of the Holocaust,  or better how Ann a teenage girl saw everything that was happening around her. The thing which has impressed me the most was the fact that Ann and her family never stopped hoping. They were not wasting time although they were hiding. They all continued to study and learn new things despite everything.  I think that reading this book will surely motivate you to do more for your personal development.

4. The rice mother by Rani Manicka
I wrote more about this book in one of my previous posts. But i thought i should add it to this list as well. I liked it very much! The main character is a wise and strong woman whose life was not easy. The book contains also some hystorical facts. You might like it too!

5. My share by Parinoush Sainee
It is a story of a girl who was born in Iran. She has struggled a lot to survive. Being born in a world where women are voiceless, she had to fight with many circumstances in order to save her life, her family and be happy!

6. Memoirs of a gheisha by Arthur Golden
You have probably watched the movie, but believe me, the book is WAY better! Although the writer  has  been accused of not respecting the confidentiality of some characters ( if interested google for more information) I really enjoyed reading this book. The story has kept me in suspence till the end. And It does not matter of the story is not 100%  real, it's still beautiful. 

7. A thousand splendid suns by Khaled Hosseini
Someone  reccomended this book to me, and i have waited  a very long time to read it. It is a love story, but also it is a life lesson for many of us. It tells the life of two women which were born in Afghansistan. They both had to endure a lot until they have found their peace and happiness. This book is also an example of true love and friendship. Now that I think of it, I should re-read it one day ๐Ÿ™‚

8. Once I was a princess by Jacqueline Pascarl
Another book which illustrates the life of a woman married to the wrong person. She  is has been fooled by appearences and nice words. After some time She has discovered Who her husband was. It is a continue strugle and fight to gain freedom for herself and her children. The saddest thing Is that the story Is true! And it does not have a very happy end!

My list ends here, but I am looking forward to continue it. I hope you will find a book for your taste among them!

Enjoy your Reading,

Alina ❤️๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›


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