
Showing posts from 2019


Scrapbooking este un termen imprumutat de la americani, iar primele dati am vazut astfel de albume in copilarie, cind priveam filme americane. M-au cucerit. Imi pareau atit de colorate si de unice, incit ideea de a-mi crea propriul album mi s-a intiparit in minte inca de atunci. Dar au trecut mai multi ani pina cind sa-mi reamintesc de aceasta dorinta. Am inceput primul meu album sau scrapbook cind eram in SUA din mai multe motive: a) faceam sute de poze pe saptamina si nu doream sa le pierd, b) gasisem o multime de materiale colorate si c) aveam atitea sa povestesc. Astfel am descoperit un nou hobby. Dupa ce am terminat cu amintirile din SUA, am completat albumul cu amintiri din anii de liceu si experientele mele de voluntariat. Am reusit sa creez un scrapbook destul de bogat. Am pastrat acolo cele mai pretioase amintiri. Ma emotionez de fiecre data cind il rasfoiesc. Probabil aceasta este menirea principala a albumelor foto. Sa te readuca in trecut. Pentru mine pozele printat...

#25 and counting

Hello 25!!! I am not sure whether you've come fast or not. But I am sure that I am ready for you. They say that after 25 you are an adult. No, i have not changed over the night. I am basically the same as yesterday. However, the passing year was  a year of transition and changes. If I take a look back, I see how much I have changed. When I try to sneak peek into the future I acknowlege the long way I still have to do in order to become who I want to be. So let's talk about changes! At 25 years old: * I love and accept myself the way I am. Bad hair days and bad face days come and go, but my inner peace is more important. I focus less on the outside and more on the inside! * I value my family more. There is nothing more precious than them! * I have learned that in any situation it is important to be a HUMAN and that Honesty has no price; * I speak less, but when I do it is from my heart; * I love the nature more, and I try to admire it in silence. No pictures, ...

Istanbul, Turkey

Merhaba my friends, I have been absent for a while due to a very busy schedule. It was busy not only because of work and the baby, but also because we were getting ready for a new adventure. This time we had the courage to go a little further than the usual 2-3 days get aways. I am ready to write about it now when the bags are unpacked, almost all the goodies have been eaten and we are almost back to reality. We visited Istanbul - the city of contrasts. Honestly, I did not want to have any expectations before the trip. I knew very little about Istanbul and Turkish culture in general. Unlike many girls of my age, I have not watched any Turkish TV series :) (although there are a lot of them). So i did not know what i would find there. The best thing about our vacation was that we were not real tourists. A few people know that my sister-in-law lives there with her family. Therefore we were lucky to discover the Turkish life style from the inside. We were also lucky to visit the cou...

Mother's day

According to GOOGLE 43 .5 million is the number of women between the ages of 15 and 50 who have children. These  mothers  gave birth to 95.8 million children. Can you believe it? I am now one of them too.  Each woman and mother has her own story. It does not matter how she has become a MOTHER . It could be natural birth, c section or adoption. The most important fact is that we all have something in common - we are responsible for someone's life, and as I see it, there is not  more difficult and requiring job. At the same time, I don't know a more rewarding and pleasant job. Before having Oliver i had no idea of what my body and my heart are capable of. I saw myself in a different light, and I still need to get to know me better.  I am glad that there are these holidays which celebrate Mothers and Motherhood in general. Of course, we should cherish them everyday, but some special attention is never too much.  In Moldova we celebrate Mother's and Wo...

Iseo Lake

Italy is a chest of treasures. One needs a lot of time and patience to discover all of them. I have been fascinated by Italy and Italian culture for a very long time and I couldn't even imagine that one day I would have the possibility to live there and explore it.  Recently we have discovered another jewel from the chest, and namely Iseo Lake. It is an amazing and picturesque place in Lombardia and it's the perfect location for a break from the daily routine. It was great to be there, on such  lovely and sunny day, with my boys and our friends. This kind of days and places make me believe that life is beautiful and we are really fortunate because we have the chance to travel and see the world. I think I have already told you that being among tourists makes me feel great. I enjoy the diversity and I find it extremly courious to hear people speaking different languages. Every time we visit a new place, I do some research so that i could enjoy more the vaccation. Here is...

Despre Paste

Inca un Paste pe care nu-l vom sarbatori acasa. Inca un an fara pasca si cozonac. Imi amintesc ca ultimul Paste pe care l-am sarbatorit in Moldova a fost in 2016. Anul acela trebuia sa lucrez la teza de licenta, dar am evadat pentru o saptamina la bunica in sat. Nu pot sa imi explic de ce, dar acea vacanta a fost minunata. Pentru ca eram impreuna cu sora mea, pentru ca era cald, pentru ca era Pastele si pentru ca il sarbatoream la bunica. Cind a fost momentul sa ne intoarcem acasa am plins. Erau emotii pe care nu le puteam controla. Erau lacrimi de dor. Stiam ca peste citeva luni voi pleca de acasa, iar totul avea sa fie altfel. Aveam dreptate. Peste un an bunica nu mai era, iar familia mea s-a mutat din Moldova. Din aceasta cauza imi amintesc mereu cu drag de ultima vacanta la bunica. E frumoasa viata peste hotare, dar cind vin sarbatorile e foarte trist.  Poate suntem noi moldovenii mai inapoiati, mai demodati mai simpli, poate nu stim multe lucruri, dar cind e timpul sarbato...

The magic power of the sea

Hello there, I have not been here for a while. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't have enough time. #manoleteam is currently passing through a very challenging period and we need time for adapting to the changes. Maybe I will tell you more about this later. Today i want to write about one of our favorite places - the beach. Although we don't live too far from it we don't get to go there as often as we want. But when we get there we forget about anything. It is even more fun now when we are 3. Our little explorer is inlove with the sand and water. I think he could stay there forever because it is almost impossible to take him home. I have always loved the sea. Although i cannot swim, and I am pretty much terrified by any type of waves, i cannot wait for the warm days to come. I love the sound and the smell of the salted water. I love the kids playing in the sand. I love the dogs which enjoy the fresh breeze. I admire the couples who walk on the beach ...

On motherhood

Motherhood has its ups and downs and I have briefly described some of them in my previous posts. The interesting thing is that the more time passes the more experience I gain and it brings more joy. Now I can say that there are definitiley more ups than downs. Having a baby means not only changing your daily schedule but also changing your lifestyle and the way you see life in general. I try to put myself in his shoes and see the world with his eyes. As a result I started to notice things which  did not have much importance for me before. I find myself staring at every cat or dog I see on the street. Or I often look for  birds in the sky so that i could show them to Oliver. We spend more time playing outside. We sing. We dance. We make crazy faces and we smile in a very silly way. I didn't know there was so much craziness inside me. I get to discover myself all over again! I actually discover the world. A completely new world! I knew that parenthood was beautiful. Now I co...

Dresden, Germany

Hello everyone, I am so excited about this post because Germany has been on my travel bucket list for too long. A few people know that 80% of my family lives in Germany. Despite this, I have never visited them before. There never seemed to be the right time. This February we have decided to change that for many reasons. One of them was my mother 50th birth day. This was the main reason actually. We wanted to surprise her and did not tell her we were coming. She was very impressed and we were glad we could make her such a lovely bday gift. Well, we got to Germany by car. It was a relatively long ride. 12 hours to be more precise. This was our 1st road trip longer than 4 hours and I must admit I was very anxious in the beginning. I had no idea how our Oliver would behave in the car. But I have prepared myself very well and I was ready to anything. Luckily he slept almost all the way there and we could ride in peace. Although I have many relatives and friends in Germany, i was not...