
Showing posts from 2020

Ce i-am spus toamnei

Am vorbit cu toamna.  I-am spus c-a fost frumoasa, deosebita chiar.  Am rugat-o sa-mi ierte indiferenta din trecut.  Abia acum am invatat sa o apreciez cu adevarat.  Doar ea, doar toamna poate fi o explozie de culori si emotii.  Doar ea te poate face trist si optimist in acelasi timp.  Am scris atitea descrieri despre toamna, insa doar acum am simtit cu adevarat tot ce am scris cindva. Am vorbit cu toamna. I-am spus ca-mi va fi dor.  Mi-a promis ca revine mai frumoasa, mai colorata.  Astept!  Adio toamna 2020!  Alina

”Acolo unde femeile sunt regi”

Salutare dragi prieteni,  Astazi as vrea sa  scriu despre o carte pe care am citit-o recent. M-a impresionat mult si cred Ca merita sa ii dedic o postare.  Am descoperit "Acolo unde femeile sunt regi"  din intimplare, navigind pe internet. La prima vedere a copertei, mi s-a parut ca va o istorie pe care o mai citisem/vazusem si in alte carti/filme. Dar, de data aceasta m-am convins ca aparentele inseala. Cartea este o poveste mult mai complexa si mult mai captivanta decit ceea ce ma asteptam sa fie.  In locul istoriei unei fete tinere nascuta intr-o tara din Africa, care a reusit sa evadeze din saracie si s-a mutat intr-o tara Europeana, sau de ce nu in SUA, am descoperit istoria unei femei care isi dorea din tot sufletul sa devina mama.  Pe linga povestea ei, mai era si un baietel curajos Elijah, care visa cel mai mult sa fie linga mama lui. Cu siguranta ma asteptam sa persiste si motivul femeii puternice, deci macar undeva am avut dreptate.  Find mam...

My dream world

I dream of... A world where people don't divide into groups based on a color A world where there are not natives and immigrants; Where children don't get lost And people don't go to bed on an empty stomach; Where nature doesn't have a deadline And animals don't die because of plastic Where the governments actually DO what they PROMISE Where presidents CARE for their people; Where money DO NOT buy happiness  health; Where women's voices are heard And they are  NOT DISRESPECTED just because they are not men; A world where children don't know the meaning of the word "war"; A place where you are not judged because of the God you pray 🙏 to; A world where families don't get separated, Where parents don't have to go abroad in order to earn money! Will I ever live to see this world? Probably not! Will my children and grandchildren see it? Let's hope that at least half of it will come true!

Did you know that? Italy

Hello everyone 😇, Italy is the country that has adopted us. I have been living here for almost 4 years now. It has its ups and downs but as a grateful daughter, I will not talk about any negative aspect here. This post is about the interesting facts you probably didn't know about Italy. I didn't know some of them either. And it was fun enough to discover it now. So here they are! Did you know that: 1. Italy has more volcanoes than any other country in Europe. It hosts all 3 of Europe's active volcanoes; 2. Pizza was invented in Naples. And it has recently become UNESCO's patrimony. Not the pizza as a product but the process of making pizza; 3. Italy is the 5th most visited country in the world. It welcomes around 46 million foreign visitors every year. 4. Italy is the 5th most populous country in Europe; 5. It has more earthquakes than any other country in Europe; 6. Italian is the closest language to Latin; 7. According to Italians, 17 is considere...

XI things I have learned during the lockdown

Hello there, We have been officially out of the quarantine for a couple of weeks. And I promise this is my last post regarding this!!! It's time to move on and slowly forget about everything, with the hope that this situation will NEVER repeat again. It was quite difficult to resist! But we've managed to do it! It is not easy to entertain a toddler 24/24 without being able to go anywhere. But as someone told me, we were lucky we did not have to go through home-schooling and homework. So, here are some things I have understood while in lockdown: 1. We need to buy some board games because  we had a lot of free time with no ideas of what  to do; 2 . Playing ball is FUN Believe it or not, I have never played ball with my husband before. There is always a first time; 3. Taking the rubbish out is GREAT The only reason I have been out of our yard for a couple of weeks was taking the trash out. It was not one of my favorite things to do before; 4. One coffee a day...

Did you know that? Languages.

Hey guys, I have something interesting for you today. One of my goals for 2020 was to learn something new every day 📚. It is pretty challenging, as I don't always have time or inspiration to do researches. But I still manage to do it. I discover new recipes, books, exercises. All of this is also supported by the quarantine (which is about to end  🎉 ). So I had a brilliant idea these days (it might seem brilliant just for me 😆). I will do a "Did you know that" post from time to time. This way I will share with you the things I have learned during my research. Maybe you would want to find out some interesting facts as well. As they say, " sharing is caring ". Let me know if you like the idea. My first post is about Languages. All of us know how important speaking a foreign language is. And we are extremely happy that we can travel abroad without problems because we speak different languages.  But do you know how many languages are spoken in the world? Or ...

5 Movies based on true stories

Dear friends, How are you doing? I hope you and your families are fine. We are living a difficult period. We are not used to these kind of emergencies, but sooner or later it will pass ( I hope sooner). So, today I will write about movies. How many of you like to watch a good movie in the weekend? Or maybe you prefer watching one before going to bed? Well, I have a complicated relationship with movies.  Don't get this wrong, I love them!  However, I seldom watch a movie because the only time when I could actually watch something in silence is after 10 pm.  So  I am either busy reading or I just fall asleep and don't need anything 😁. But if I decide to watch a movie, then I will most likely choose one based on a true story. (When I was younger I could see"chick flicks" the entire day 😊).  I just don't have time and patience for bad  movies anymore.  🎬 Here is a  list of some films which are based on a real story. I hope you like them as ...

Fericirea vine din lucruri simple

Dragi prieteni, E carantina! E criza! E greu! Ar fi trebuit sa fiu trista. Sa sufar poate, sa ma enervez, sa vreau sa evadez! Sa incalc legea! De 7 saptamini nu am fost nicaieri!!! Cu ceva timp in urma nu mi-as fi imaginat ca vom trece prin asa ceva! Dar... Eu sunt fericita!Sunt fericita pentru ca am invatat sa apreciez ceea ce am la moment si sa nu caut ceea ce nu pot avea sau nu e esential. Sunt fericita pentru ca sunt alaturi de ...ei, baietii/barbatii mei. Nu am avut ocazia sa stam impreuna 24/24 atit de mult timp.  Am inteles ca problemele te fac mai puternic, mai motivat. Ma bucur ca indiferent de situatia grea,  toti ai mei sunt bine, ca prietenii au vesti bune. Ma bucur ca e primavara si e frumos afara. Nu las ploile frecvente sa ma afecteze negativ. Fie ele chiar reci si abundente, sunt trimise de sus. Inseamna ca trebuie sa le acceptam!!! Sint fericita ca, in sfirsit citesc, fac sport si gatesc ce vreau! Am invatat retete noi, care inainte  mi se pareau fo...

Discover Tenerife

Note: It is our 3rd week of quarantine. This is the perfect moment to think of better days. Less than 2 months ago we were discovering Tenerife. It was a perfect getaway, right before the whole COVID-19 nightmare started . Las Americas Amazing, beautiful, colorful, unique, peaceful...these are just some of the words that one can use while describing Tenerife. In reality, it is such a  beautiful and breath-taking place that you can not really describe it. You have to see it in order to understand its value. The idea of visiting Tenerife got into our mind one late night. We were dreaming about the beach, warm weather and the ocean. It's been one of our dreams to visit the ocean. So where could we go? Of course, the Western European coast. But the temperature there wasn't as high as we would have liked it to be. Therefore, we aimed for a further destination. We had to choose between Tenerife and Las Palmas. Considering everything: flight hours and connections, hotels, w...